We Need Each Other

I haven’t written a blog in a very long time. It’s crazy because I used to write every single day in some capacity, but ever since the release of the book, getting back into the rhythm of writing has been incredibly difficult for me. I haven’t felt inspired though there has been inspirational content more accessible than ever before - within reach on any of the devices that I own. But what I realize over and over again is that the thing that inspires me most in life will always be people. The way they live, the way they talk, their story, what they need, what they want, etc. And a couple of weeks ago, I found myself giving a TED Talk to one of my friends in the car about the benefits of community. Being back on my soapbox felt so good, and I thought I would dump some candid thoughts in a blog to pair with the graphic I posted on Instagram.

You know the phrase, “when it rains, it pours”? Well, around three weeks ago, this became the catchphrase within Noah and I’s little community because it truly felt like one thing after another was happening in each of our lives, in every category: work, health, family, finances, etc. Without going into too much detail, hospitals and worry and prayer and hard conversations and crying were heavily involved - just one of those weeks.

But a wave of empowerment and gratitude kept flooding over me as I watched the people I love SHOW UP for each other. Through cleaning, cooking meals, cards, flowers, hugs, encouraging words…you name it. Though it was pouring rain, the love we were sharing with each other was pouring even harder. And the love came intuitively, without hesitation or question. Though we kept saying “I don’t know what to do or say”, we also did. We knew we had to show up. And that’s usually the most important and best work we can do for each other.

This semester in one of my classes, I learned about how the community actually makes us healthier people. In third world countries, the survival rate of families is literally dependent on how much they support and show up for each other because it is the only way to make it out alive. In a privileged society, we often forget that community is still one of our most basic needs. We can pretend it’s not, we can fill it with anything else we can find, but at the end of the day, we NEED each other to survive just as much as the next person.

So here is a little reminder that you need people. And people need you. We need each other.

I love you. And I hope you give your people an extra hard squeeze today.